My story from nothing to next stage.

I was taking the old bar exam, which was originally unrelated to art. However, I overheard the bar examination and got sick due to stress. As a result, I stopped the bar examination. Also, I was mentally depressed and almost impossible to recover, so I started painting with rehabilitation.

At first, it wasn't an incomprehensible idea to make painting a main business. Inspired by the sale of the oil paintings I wrote on a piece of paper for 1,000 yen, which I happened to sell on the street, I started selling paintings. Mostly on the street. It's been over 15 years ago. After that, overcoming the global recession of subprime mortgages, it was used as a background picture for Oshare izumu and tried to expand overseas. The work was put into the Ulster National Museum in England, and a factory member of Andy Warhol became an agent.