Takuma Tanaka Pandemic Theory

Capitalism and the COVID-19

Let's start with reflecting this capitalism society.

In my opinion, the basic system of capitalism had already existed in the really primitive time. Those who has made every effort to gather more wealth.

This system was enforced at the time of the industrial revolution, the time when human beings starting to be integrated  to the machine.

And now, the capitalism is developed and being more complex. Company, TV, Smart phone etc...we are all controlled and more and more wealth is easily gathered in the hands of capitalists.

Does the capitalism has something to do with COVID-19??

The globalism and the capitalism helped each other and developed mutually and intensively in these few years.Exploration of the wealth have been empowered. Telecommunication and transportation system connected the world acceleratingly especially after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers.

The counterattack 

Ironically, COVID-19 has been spreading through these systems connecting the world.

In 2012, I already know there gonna happen something like counterattack for human. So I released The series of Human Sushi. In the world of Human Sushi series, arrogant human beings are eaten by the aliens, Usagi Neko.

After COVID-19

 So, how the situation is going and change? Too much information is putting us in confusion. Nobody knows exactly what will happen. And this is my opinion.

No one can run away from the influence of COVID-19. After COVID-19, there will come the world of dedication and mercy, or, complete disaster.

The world of dedication and mercy I say is the world people dedicate one's self to COVID-19 to acquire the immunity. Of course there is a risk to die.It sounds odd and crazy.  But this idea is really opposite to those who criticize infectees and others.

Dedication and for the next generation

Dedicate one's self to have immunity and break through the fear. This is the real attitude of love. Love for the next generation.

It is similar to a mother gives a birth for a child risking her life.


This is just my hypothesis.  But I still believe this kind of attitude is really necessary.