Hiroshi Sugimoto at Tokyo Photography Art Museum

Hiroshi Sugimoto at Tokyo Photography Art Museum.

Hello, I am Kerolin. I am an assistant of Takuma.

Today I visited at Tokyo Photograpy Art Museum to see Hiroshi Sugimoto 's Exhibition. The title is "Lost Human Genetic Archive".

He expressed about the end of the human beings. There are 30 autograph comments about the end of the human beings by Japanese top intellectual.

One professor of Robotic said that the robot helps our life but, after they get intelligence, they rebels against the human beings. Finally they strike and human beings become extinc.

I felt that all things are in flux and nothing is permanent. I always think why i am living. I don't know why human beings live.

I think that he is looking for the meaning of life by creating the art. But he can't still find it. Things finally he found that life is meaningless. All things are in flux and nothing is permanent.

I decided that I will read again the Ecclesiastes.

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